I am so tired of this crap already, I thought we won the election in November? I think bipartisanship is overrated, bipartisanship. Always hurt the Democrats more than it does the Republicans.
Why are we letting the Republicans dictate the message on the economic stimulus bill? They are everywhere, from the TV to the radio and finally on the web. The Democrats and President Obama have done an awful jobs on telling the American people what is inside the bill, so now we have all kinds of lies and misleading statement about the bill, which was done by the right wing noise machine, who want Obama to fail and don't give a damn about what happens to people jobs, homes, or even their own country. I want the Democrats, and Obama to did what they did during the campaign and that is dominate the airwaves to explain exactly what is in the bill and what it would do and how it would work, Democrats and Obama needs to do this every day, on all the networks and Web.
I thought we won on November 4, 2008 with a strong mandate to govern with different ideas than why are we putting things like tax cuts for big business and regular people. I don't think that will work in times like this, because people have no confidence in the market right now, so all they are going to do is keep that money in the bank or pay off their mortgages or credit card and that is no way to stimulate the economy when no one is buying, and by the way is not that what we've been doing for the last eight years under the Bush administration and look where that got us today. We should say to the Republicans in the Senate and especially those who came from states that Obama won in November that that we are doing it the way we want to do it because we were given a strong mandate to do it our way and if you don't, we will come after you in 2010. I have no idea why Obama is listening to ideas that George W. Bush tried to do and did not work.
The whole idea of bipartisanship is good sometimes but on the biggest issues of the day which is the economy why are we listening to the very people who got us into this mess in the first place when we should be following the ideas of FDR by using the government to put people back to work by creating all kinds of the big projects all across the United States. The Republican Party do not care about bipartisanship, all they care about is making sure the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and also to make sure that the government does not work.
P.S because all my minor disability I will not be able to comment very quickly.